There Are No Good Reasons for the RFA
The RFA would provide:
- NO cost savings — only a spend down of the General Fund and Reserve accounts.
- NO service improvements.
- NO new operational efficiencies.
- NO change in administrative savings, just a 43% increase in the Levy authorization.
- NO change in administrative staffing.
- NO new firefighters, fire stations, fire trucks, or aid cars.
All surrounding fire agencies cooperate as part of a mutual aid pack, responding to calls as a team. The RFA can not improve upon that.
Regional partners are unlikely to join the RFA. Cities clearly prefer a contract-for-services model where they can assure their community receives services tailored to their needs and where costs can be monitored and controlled.
Chief Cowan told the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline city councils that he expects RFA Fire Commissioner positions to be reduced over time. This is contrary to the promise of five commissioners elected from Shoreline and five elected from Northshore.
NO citizens were involved in designing the RFA Governance Plan — only Shoreline Fire Administration, firefighters, and the Fire Commissioners.
Note Seven of the ten Fire Commissioners have connections to the Fire Service. Two are active IAFF Firefighters: one a Kirkland FF Captain, one a Lacey Paramedic. Three are past Shoreline Fire Department Firefighters. Two are the spouses of retired Shoreline Fire Department Chiefs.
We are not disparaging these individuals, but we believe there is an inherent bias that makes it difficult for them to see the issue from a civilian, citizen,and taxpayer point of view.
The bottom line is that there is no good reason to vote for the RFA.