There Is No Way Back from the RFA
If the RFA experiment does not work, it is incredibly difficult to undo the RFA once it is formed. Only the board of Fire Commissioners can vote to dissolve the RFA. There is no provision for citizens to vote to dissolve the RFA
Reconstituting the previous Fire District governance, finance and operations is hugely problematic
Today each fire district owns it own apparatus, equipment, facilities, and reserve funds. Under the RFA district ownership would disappear. Sorting ownership back to individual districts would be very complicated.
Local fire district commissioner positions would have to be recreated.
There would be no local fire district employees. They would all be RFA employees.
The Contract for Service Model Provides Alternatives
The contract for fire services provides alternatives. With proper notice, either partner can choose to pursue a different service provider model.
The contract for fire services has terms that require specific service levels and cost oversight.
The contract for fire services has dispute resolution terms.
The Fire District governance, asset ownership, and revenue structure remain in place.